dr Grażyna Baranowska
dr Grażyna Baranowska
junior researcher
dr Grażyna Baranowska
Assistant Professor at the Poznań Human Rights Centre, Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences; Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual fellow at the Centre for Fundamental Rights, Hertie School.
Recipient of the 2020-2023 Fellowship of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding achievements in science and research and 2018 Fellowship of the Foundation for Polish Science for outstanding achievements (START).
Dr Baranowska received two MA’s from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland: from the Faculty of Law (2009) and Turkish Literature and Language (2011) She defended her PhD on enforced disappearances in Europe in May 2016.
Dr Baranowska’s monograph entitled “Rights of families of disappeared persons: How international bodies address the needs of families of disappeared persons in Europe” is forthcoming with Intersentia. She is also the author of a number of articles in refereed scholarly journals, among others in the International Review of the Red Cross and European Human Rights Law Review. Her blog entries have been published by Free Speech Debate and Verfassungsblog.
Previously she has been a Post-Doctoral Researcher in the project Memory Laws in European and Comparative Perspective (2016-2019) and Fellow in Research Law: Constitutional Politics in Turkey II (2019), as well as worked in the project Fostering Human Rights Among European (Internal and External) Policies (FRAME), and as a Researcher and Policy Advisor at the German Institute for Human Rights. She also completed a six-month fellowship at the Bundestag (Internationales Parlaments Stipendium, 2013) and at the Polish embassy in Ankara, and has prepared analyses and expert reports.
- Rights of families of disappeared persons: How international bodies address the needs of families of disappeared persons in Europe, Intersentia, forthcoming 2021
- Enforced disappearances in Europe. Developing international standards of prevention and reaction, C.H. Beck: Warsaw, 2017 (in Polish)
Edited Books and Special Issues
- Historical Memory in post-Communist Europe and the Rule of Law, Special Section in European Papers, 2/2020 (with León Castallanos-Jankiewicz)
- 20 years of protecting the Rights of UE citizens – achievements and challenges for the future, (ed.) G. Baranowska, A. Bodnar, A. Gliszczyńska-Grabias, Wolters Kluwer: Warsaw 2015 (in Polish)
- About human rights. Festschrift for Profesor Roman Wieruszewski, (ed.) K. Sękowska-Kozłowska, A. Gliszczyńska-Grabias, G. Baranowska, A. Hernandez-Połczyńska, , Wolters Kluwer 2017 (in Polish)
Articles in English
- ‘The Puzzle of Punitive Memory Laws: New insights into the origins and scope of punitive memory laws’ ((on-line 4 August 2020) East European Politics & Societies and Cultures (K. Bachmann, I. Lyubashenko, C. Garuka V. Pavlaković, G. Baranowska)
- ‘Historical Memory in Post-Communist Europe and the Rule of Law: An Introduction’ (2020) European Papers 5(1) (G. Baranowska, Castellanos-Jankiewicz)
- ‘Law-Secured Narratives of the Past in Poland in Light of International Human Rights Law Standards’ (2019) Polish Yearbook of International Law (G. Baranowska, Gliszczyńska-Grabias, A. Wójcik)
- Advances and progress in the obligation to return the remains of missing and forcibly disappeared persons, International Review of the Red Cross Vol. 99 No. 905
- Families of disappeared persons in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, European Human Rights Law Review, Issue 5, 2018
- “Right to truth” and Memory Laws: General Rules and Practical Implications, Polish Political Science Yearbook 47, 1/2018 (wraz z A. Gliszczyńską-Grabias)
- Why Enforced Disappearances are Perpetrated against Groups as State Policy: Overlaps and Interconnections between Disappearances and Genocide, Católica Law Review Vol 2 3/2018 (with J. Sarkin)
- The families of disappeared persons in the jurisprudence of the Human Rights Chamber for Bosnia and Hercegovina and the Human Rights Advisory Panel in Kosovo, International Journal of Rule of Law, Transitional Justice and Human Rights, Volume 7 (2016),
- The European Court of Human Rights on Nazi and Soviet past in Central and Eastern Europe, Polish Political Sciences Yearbook 45 (2016) (wraz z A. Gliszczyńską-Grabias)
- Legal Regulations on National and Ethnic Minorities in Poland, Przegląd Zachodni II/2014
- Shedding light on the fate of the disappeared? Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus, International Journal of Rule of Law, Transitional Justice and Human Rights, Year 3, Volume 3, Sarajevo 2012
Chapters in English
- ‘New International Migration Management Technologies and Their Impact on Sustainability’, [w:] Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Goals. Reduced Inequalities, (red.) W. L. Filho, A. M. Azul, L. Londero Brandli, A. Lange Salvia, P. Gökçin Özuyar, T. Wall; Spinger (G. Baranowska, Ł. Szoszkiewicz), 2020
- ‘Penalizing statements about the past in Turkey’ [w:] P. Grzebyk (red.), Odpowiedzialność za negowanie zbrodni międzynarodowych. Prawo pamięci – Zbrodnie międzynarodowe – Negowanie, Instytut Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Warszawa, 2020
- ‘Memory laws in Turkey: protecting the memory of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ [w:] K. Bachmann, C. Garuka (red.), Criminalizing History. Legal Restrictions on Statements and Interpretations of the Past in Germany, Poland, Rwanda, Turkey and Ukraine, Peter Lang: Berlin, 2020
Reports and analysis
- The Relevance of the ICPPED for Disappeared Migrants and Refugees, German Institute for Human Rights, 2020
- EU’s financial contribution to UN human rights activities, [w:] ‘EU human rights engagement in UN bodies’, FRAME Report (FP7 project), Work Package No. 5 – Deliverable No. 5.1, 2014
Selected web-based publications
- ‘Disappeared migrants and refugees. How the ICPPED can help in their search and protection’, Völkerrechtsblog, 15.12.2020 (wraz z Barbara Lochbihler, Silke Voß-Kyeck)
- ‘The United States’ Obligations Regarding Separated Migrant Children’, Opinio Juris, 24.11.2020
- In Defense of European Memory Laws (wspólnie z Anną Wójcik), Free Speech Debate [1 listopada 2017] oraz Eurozine [6 listopada 2017]
- The Right to the Truth for the Families of Victims of the Katyń Massacre, Verfassungsblog [6 January 2018] oraz Eurozine [21 luty 2018]
- The European Court of Human Rights and Women Affected by Enforced Disappearances of Their Relatives, Opinio Juris [5 wrzesień 2016]
- The role of intercommunal dialogue in revealing the fate of disappearances and missing persons – cases of Kosovo and Cyprus, Humanity in Action [2015]
Research projects
- SONATA 2019/35/D/HS5/03700, Polish National Science Centre, State obligations with regard to missing and disappeared persons under international law, (Principle Investigator)
- Memory Laws in European and Comparative Perspective (2016-2019), MELA, funded by HERA (Post-Doctoral Researcher)
- The impact of universal human rights standards on the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. A critical analysis (2017 – 2019), funded through the OPUS funding scheme by the National Science Centre (investigator)
- Enforced disappearance in Europe. Development of legal standards (2014 – 2016), funded through the PRELUDIUM funding scheme by the National Science Centre (Principle investigator)
- Fostering Human Rights Among European (External and Internal) Policies (FRAME) (2013-2017) FP7/2007-2013 (researcher)
- The UN Human Rights Protection Mechanisms – A Systemic Analysis (2013-2016), funded through the OPUS funding scheme by the National Science Centre (investigator)
- COST Action IS0702, Short Time Study Mission, SIM Utrecht (Netherlands), Mutual influence of the UN Human Rights Committee and ECtHR in cases concerning enforced disappearances, (V – VI 2012)