mgr Katarzyna Widlas-Klimsiak
mgr Katarzyna Widlas-Klimsiak
research assistant
mgr Katarzyna Widlas-Klimsiak
MA in law and English philology; research assistant at the Poznań Human Rights Center of the INP PAN; English translator.
Katarzyna Widlas-Klimsiak graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (2019). Her master’s thesis entitled. “Legal and ethical aspects of the use of human embryonic cells for scientific purposes” written under the supervision of Dr. Michał Balcerzak, Professor at UMK.
During her studies, Ms Widlas-Klimsiak actively participated in the life of the academic community. Being the President of the Student Scientific Association of Public International Law and Human Rights Protection (2019), she participated and co-organized many conferences at the local and international level, including the National Scientific Conference entitled. “Ethics of Scientific Research” in Warsaw (2018) delivering a paper on the position of the ECHR on medical research conducted on biological material of embryonic origin, International Scientific Symposium titled. “The Injustice of Gender: Women’s Rights in a Just Society” organized in cooperation with The John Felice Rome Center of Liberal Arts of Loyola University of Chicago, Bologna Italy Center of Spring Hull University (2018),and the International Scientific Conference “Rule of Law in the 2030s. “Rule of Law in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda” organized by Loyola University Chicago, John Felice Rome Center of Rome (2019), speaking on the situation of women’s rights in Poland in the context of rule of law.
In the course of her studies, Ms Widlas-Klimsiak also participated in internships at non-governmental organizations such as the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (2018), the European Foundation for Human Rights (2018), and institutions such as the Department for Proceedings before International Human Rights Protection Bodies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2018) and the Embassy of the United States (2019).
In addition, Ms Widlas-Klimsiak holds a Master’s degree in English Philology from the Faculty of Humanities of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (2017) and in the academic year 2020/2021 she was a student of Postgraduate Studies in International Law and Foreign Service at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw and Postgraduate Studies for the Training of Specialized Translators at the Faculty of English Studies of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
Main research areas:
- international protection of human rights (regional system of protection of human rights of the Council of Europe);
- counteracting abuse in psychiatry;
- legal and ethical aspects of scientific research (with particular emphasis on research conducted on biological material of human origin);
- linguistic aspects of international treaties.